
Showing posts from May, 2018

What I would do if I was a billionaire

Rather than spreading my good works around, as Bill Gates has done, I would focus my efforts on a demonstration project. I would first have to find somewhere that I could build a country. One might for example purchase land similar to what the US did with the Louisiana purchase from France and the purchase of Alaska from Russia. Particularly likely places for this might be along the border of Algeria Libya Tunisia Morocco Egypt… I think I left out a country. Oh yeah Morocco. Someone like Bill Gates I believe could create a new countryAlong the border between two countries, or perhaps at sea, atop a sea mount. Then I would recruit about 1 million of the 60 million refugees on earth to build a country there. I visualize an economy based on halophyte agriculture (growing plants which can be irrigated with seawater), solar power, and wind power. Solar power towers could be part of the power system in dry, hot areas such as along the Atlantic coast of Namibia, resulting in freshwater nigh...